If human beings are the most intelligent of all creatures on this planet,then why didn't evolution or some divine entity design us to be more logical and rational?So that we and our world wouldn't be in such turmoil! Why do our emotions have to rule us and our world!!!
I wasn't in class on Wednesday so I don't know what y'all discussed about this. But I'd like to throw in my two cents. I don't think our world is in turmoil because we are emotional creatures. I think it has more to do with what Lehrer speaks about in Chapter 7, The Brain is an Argument. He is talking about people with partisan beliefs and says, "...rationality actually becomes a liability, since it allows us to justify practically any belief (p 206)." I think this is why our world is in such turmoil. If we were LESS rational we wouldn't be able to talk ourselves into continuing to hold onto old beliefs that are harmful to ourselves and/or others. If we truly let our emotions/instincts to take the lead our innate sympathy for others would encourage us to make better decisions that led to more harmony.