Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Gamifying Education

I found the video interesting and very educational, it has given me a lot of insight about this mystifying subject of gamifying education. When I registered for this class I thought it would be mostly reading, comprehension and class discussion, but on the first day of class I was rudely awakened .I was terrified at the thought of having to complete all the class assignments via computer and the internet,as I have not had a lot of computer experience due to growing up in not so much of a technological age.My first computer had 4MB Memory on the"hard drive" !!
       I think that gamifying education is a great idea,especially for the new and upcoming generations.I think it is a fresh approach to an old an outdated system of education.The system of working toward shorter goals and working in a positive direction is much more appealing than the old method.In this technological age I think people can relate to this new system much easier.These days almost everyone is on the computer an internet,working,studying,researching and just for fun.Even our phones have these capabilities,from my generations point of view this is the "George Jetson" age.So why wouldn't people be more comfortable with this type of educational system,I think they will.But I also believe they should have the choice,some people are just not comfortable with or have the aptitude for it.  
       We also need to be cautious about how vulnerable we let our selves become to the rest of the world,an to our reliance upon technology and how sometimes it can have an adverse affect on our lives and society.I hate to think about it,but we've all seen those post apocalyptic movies and it would be a shame for us all to be walking around dumfounded because we've forgotten how  to use our minds without the help of our computers.Computers and technology are amazing and wonderful things,but they are things that the human mind have created to assist us in achieving our goals.
        As for this Pop Culture class,I think it would have been helpful to know how much computer and internet interaction is required to successfully complete this course.Had I known,I would have taken another computer coarse to help prepare me.But all in all,I'm happy I took this class because it will help prepare me for what lies ahead in my education and my future.I have already learned and accomplished so much, I'm proud of myself and grateful to be apart of this class.

                                                                                                                 Robert Geri   

1 comment:

  1. You're right that my classes ARE unusually computer heavy, and I usually teach them as a hybrid format to give people a heads-up that this is the case. That's why I scheduled Mondays as raid days, to help out those who might be overwhelmed. But you WILL be able to do it. Look at this, you're already posting essays to your blog!
