Sunday, July 15, 2012

"Letter to the Editor"

“Letter to the editor”

I believe it’s obvious the editor of this letter is bias and most certainly owns multiply firearms. Although it may be true that this law ”one gun a month” may not be able to be directly related to crime statistics, that support the idea of less guns mean less crime, but it seems to me that it is common sense. A very simple question that I would ask you, is, why would anyone need to  have the desire to buy more than one gun a month?
   That would be twelve guns in one year. To me that is just an obsession or even an addiction, and everyone knows that anything in excess is not a good thing. Fewer guns out in the public and the laws that govern them can only be a good thing.
   Look at total violent crimes per 100,000 inhabitants. Their rate is now about twice as high in Canada as in the U.S. The violent crime rate has dropped markedly in the U.S. since the early 1990s, but has remained basically stable here. More data is available in Professor Gary Mauser’s Fraser Forum article.            The Brady Center argues that when the civilian population has more access to guns, more teens and children die from gun wounds.   For example, during a year when over 5,000 teens and children died from gun wounds in the USA, in Great Britain, where gun ownership is very restricted, 19 teens and children died from gun wounds.
   This is a subject of debate that will probably go on until the end of time. I’m a gun owner, Mossberg 500 and I love skeet shooting. But if there wasn’t any gun control, what would stop me or anyone from going out and buying a fully automatic weapon. We all need to show control in all aspects of our lives, because without it there is only anarchy.  

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