Monday, July 2, 2012

"We're All Doomed"-Fast Food

                                  "Why fast foods are bad, even in moderation".

   The thesis of this article is that "fast foods are bad, even in moderation".  Kylie Kavanagh, at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, US, Conducted a six year study on monkeys fed a diet rich in trans-fats - commonly found in fast foods - grew bigger bellies than those fed a diet rich in unsaturated fats, but containing the same overall number of calories. They also developed signs of insulin resistance, which is an early indicator of diabetes.
     She fed one group of monkeys a diet where 8% of their daily calories came from trans-fats and another 27% came from other fats. This is comparable to people who eat a lot of fried food, says Kavanagh. A different group of monkeys was fed the same diet, but the trans-fats were substituted for mono-unsaturated fats, found in olive oil, for example.
      After six years on the diet, the trans-fat-fed monkeys had gained 7.2% of their body weight, compared to just 1.8% in the unsaturated group. CT scans also revealed that the trans-fat monkeys carried 30% more abdominal fat, which is risk factor for diabetes and heart disease.
        This is the first study to show such a dramatic result on abdominal fat, adds Dariush Mozaffarian at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, US. "The days of thinking about fats just as calories are over,"
         This is only one study on trans-fats, there have been dozens and dozens conducted by numerous health organizations. I have found a lot of information to substantiate the authors argument. The American Heart Association as well as the American Diabetes Association, just to name a couple, have conducted dozens of different studies on trans fats and their affects on our health.
        Wikipedia also has a lot of information that also reinforces all the other evidence I've found to substantiate the authors opinions on trans fats and our health. I haven't found any articles that have an apposing argument against any of the studies that have been conducted on trans fats.
        Trans fats are just not good for our health, so we all need to lay off the fast food or start saving and planning for an early funeral.  

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