Love marks are products sold by different manufacturers that our society have just as much as an emotional connection with as a practical one. After much thought, I would have to say that my love mark that has the most emotional meaning to me would be Harley Davidson Motorcycles.
My devotion to Harleys started as a teenager I would say. I started riding when I was about 10 years old, mostly Japanese dirt bikes. But there was always something about Harleys that made me feel I was missing out on something special.
I was to young to own one, and so were my friends. So I feel that it didn't have anything to do with the admiration of what the other guys had. There was something about them that made me want one. The thought of riding down the road with the wind in your hair and your girl on the back, what could be better than that.
The advertisements of the time were about just that, freedom,excitement and fun. Which all young men want, but there was the whole other side of the story of Harley Davidson's. The bad ass biker, the beer drinker and hell raiser! That appealed to me also, hanging out with your tough biker buddies ruling the roads.
The values expressed the manufacturer would be that Harley Davidson's are American made motorcycles and reliable, but I don't think many people cared about that, they were just cool as hell.
Harley's help me to express my wilder side, the side that just doesn't give a " ". When I'm riding I just feel free! It fulfills my inner need to not care or worry about the everyday problems of life, a chance to escape.
Get one, ride one or ask for a ride on one and you may experience or other side as well.
wow those are some awesome bikes,my family wasn't into riding but as a rebellious teenager I had several friends who did. Long hair, concert shirts, and loud music was very much a part of my life then. To me Harley Davidson is as American as "Baseball and Apple Pie".